Sunday, June 19, 2016

June 18, 2016

Hey fam!

This week has been a really good week. It started out with another
exchange up in Plymouth, and I went with an elder named Elder Luu.
It's funny because he's followed me to every area and I've been
companions with the district leader, or else he has been the district
leader, so we've been on exchange like 4 or 5 times. He's one of my
good friends from the mission so it was really cool. This week was
crazy too because of bike week. It's kind of like sturgis, that huge
motorcycle gathering, and it's CRAZY. There are usually around 400,000
bikes that go around lake Winnepasakee and hang out in town and in the
towns surrounding it. It's the oldest bike gathering in the country
apparently, so people from all over the country come. It's been
insane. And so far it doesn't seem like they love the missionaries
LOLOL but it's been fine.

We met with K-- and D-- and T-- when we got back and we were
supposed to read with them, and about 10 minutes into our meeting
their uncles come in (who were in town for bike week) and cancelled
our lesson, hahaha it was weird. So we did what they wanted and got up
and left! K-- felt bad, but we will meet with them soon again. They
aren't progressing really though. They do come to church! But yeah
that's about it. We are trying hard to help them keep commitments and
I guess time will tell if they will start.

We met with G-- once and things are looking brighter. His
neighbor/friend who was a bad influence on him is living in Manchester
now, and his sister that has a lot of disabilities will be going to a
care home at the end of this month so G-- will be able to focus on
his own life soon. He's such a funny guy ha I love G--. He said he
will be coming to church this week so hopefully he will.

N-- has been sick for a really long time, we aren't sure what is
happening with her. She's been at the hospital for a while and she
only has a home phone, so we haven't been able to have any contact.

L-- is doing great still. We actually just got back from the
temple which is why I'm writing today, because our p day changes if we
go to the temple. But Elder Washburn and I and some branch members did
confirmations and then the youth and L-- did the baptisms.
L-- didn't want to leave, she loved it. It has really been cool
to see her entire progression from the time she decided to take the
lessons and then baptism and then the Joseph Smith Memorial and now to
the temple. It's been a really cool transfer! We have transfer calls
tonight and it's a total toss up of what could happen. I obviously
want to stay! But it's been 3 transfers so my time might be up haha I
will let you know next week though! Love you! Have a good week!

Picture 1: A member in Plymouth after giving service, took us to
Burger King. I found his daughter's glasses in the back.

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