Yes, I really do like the new area! It's such different work, as in
we are driving like all the time ha but I enjoy it! And this place is
absolutely beautiful! I can see why Mitt Romney and the Marriotts like
to live here!
Well this week has been very interesting. But we were able to get a
ton done! So there are a few investigators the elders before have been
working with, but there has been absolutely zero progression with any
of them ha they all have a long ways to go but there is potential in
them. We met with one named Elizabeth and she grew up atheist and
knows NOTHING about religion and so she's been looking into church
lately just to see if she can gain something from it and she is very
nice. But she has a long ways to go. And that's perfectly fine! Don't
we all? We have a lot of hopes for her.
One thing I instantly fell
in love with when I got here was the members. So as I've said before,
we are tying to meet with a lot of the members and to teach them the
lessons and to have them bring a non-member friend over to be taught
by us, so we set a date for them to invite someone by and it's really
gone well. The members care about the missionaries so much here and
it's been so cool to see how motivated they are to help us out! Or I
guess to do their part as well;) because every member is a missionary
too! But anyways, they have all treated me very well for the first
week and I've felt right at home.
The branch president asked my companion and I to give talks yesterday
in church so we could talk a little bit more about our mission vision,
and then I talked about obedience as well. All I do is talk to people
every day and I swear I still will never be comfortable giving a talk. I
think it went ok, but it's funny how that hasn't changed at all
hahahaha. I just get so nervous and I have no idea why! But it was
still fun. And a few of the members here know people from Alpine which
is really funny haha and oh also something pretty crazy is one of the
members found out I played golf because HE played at BYU Hawaii with
Zane this last year! And he's good friends with Berkeley Stulce's
brother too so yeah that was a really funny connection! He said if I'm
here for a little while he will take me golfing at a course around
here on P day so I'm excited for that:) hopefully that day will come!
Hopefully I'll be here for a while! But yeah I've enjoyed it a lot
here so far.
One thing that really caught my attention this week was how strong the
church is everywhere and NOT just in Utah as some of us think (which
included me, kind of) but even though there aren't as many members out
here as other areas or even states, the members never slow down. They
are always trying to increase the membership almost like they are
trying to catch up to Utah haha--they work so hard! It's such a
testimony to me about how all members should be, and how grateful I am
to have grown up around members like that. Not just in my home ward,
but my family, friends, other members in my friends' wards, etc. they
are everywhere! And we should always stay that way as members. We are
all missionaries! So be one! And I want to challenge you all to pray
for those missionary opportunities in the future and to prepare for
them. And if you need a little more motivation then go read Enos 1:15
(the last half of it) and D&C 6: 22-23. I love you all! I hope you
will take this seriously and do it!
Also my companion is named Elder Bundy (the first thing I asked him
was if he was related to Ted Bundy and he said he doesn't know lol)
He's a good elder and we have fun. It's always new adjusting to a new
companion but I think it will go very well! I'll send some pics. A
member took us out to pizza so that's where we are in the pic I love you all!
I hope everything is going well! And mom, I'll let you know with updates
on my rib thing:) love you!!
Elder Webb
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