This week was an interesting week. We had some really cool things happen! We have been praying a lot to find people that are prepared to hear the gospel and to get in contact with certain people happened! We have been looking for this lady, O--, for a while. She's from Burundi and is just the sweetest lady ever and we met with her once and we haven't been able to see her since, so we tried to just stop by her apartment building and see if someone would be there to open the door so we could go up to her door and knock. We walked in to the building door, and it has a room where you need a key to get into the next door, and right when we walked in she all of a sudden was walking out. And we set up an appointment for the next day! And then right after that, we walked over to another guy's apartment building with pretty much the same problem, and right when we walk up to the door he's walking out! And we met with him the next day and the lesson went super well!
The next day we went and visited less-actives and potential investigators and we weren't finding much success with any of themt but we get to one of the last people on our list and we ring the doorbell and he was so excited to see us! He was an investigator a year ago and he is a pastor for a Methodist church and is way cool. But what made it cool was he said, all surprised: "So I have no idea how you knew to come here but just earlier today I was thinking about you Elders and wondering if you were ever going to come back!" And we were like "kayyyyyyyyyyy". But yeah we are meeting with him tonight! And when we were setting up the appointment he had our number memorized and said he'd call us. It was interesting! And very cool to see.
We met with J-- again this week and once again he's slowly progressing, he is very smart but is still struggling with the Word of Wisdom. But he is trying! It was a good week. And very fun! That's about all I have but it was a great week! And it's been so warm this week, too, which was a huge blessing! Also, thanks for the package I loved it!! Thanks for all the prayers, I really appreciate them. And they are a blessing my life. So keep it up! Hahaha--they help a lot!
I love you all! Have a good week!

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