Hey Fam!
Yeah it was so good to see all of you, too! The tears at the end we're not as bad as you thought haha I was fine 10 minutes after. I just have a really ugly cry hahaha but I was fine right after! Christmas is just a weird thing on the mission haha it's awesome, but it's just so different. I still had a really good day but yeah it's just weird! It's hard to explain. Dad and Jared know what I mean. The members were really nice to us too! It was fun going over to their houses and eat with them and be a part of their families for a little bit. The members here are great!
This week was fun! It was an interesting week with Christmas Eve, Christmas, transfer calls, the warm weather, etc! We opened up all of our presents on Christmas Eve and it was a lot of fun! All the candy, other good treats, the ties, the picture, the Christmas tree, etc! I don't even remember it all, if I was at the apartment I would but thanks so much! Everyone that sent anything thank you!
Yeah for Christmas we had lunch at the Scott's, and then we Skyped, and then we went and street contacted until about 5:00 p.m. and then went and had dinner at the senior missionaries' place with some African members! It was awesome! The African members were so confused at what gravy was. They were all nervous to try it haha but then they all loved it! They all think Americans are sooooo unhealthy! It's really funny.
We struggled to meet with people this week. It was a lot of finding and not a lot of success but it's ok! Our investigators are all still really solid! So we aren't too worried. They are all really busy! But yeah we got transfer calls the other day and Elder Johnson is leaving and I'm staying again for another transfer! It's pretty weird. Elder Johnson and I became good friends but he will be a great zone leader!! I'm staying as junior companion and getting another French speaker so I'm happy! I love the people in this area haha I couldn't imagine being in Elder Johnson's shoes where he's been here for a year straight--these people must mean so much to him! I love this area and I'm so glad I'm staying!
I'm sorry I don't have a lot to write, it was so good to see all of you over Skype! It was a lot of fun! I have the best family in the world. I hope you all had a good Christmas and that you all will have a good new year, as well! Make New Year's resolutions! Improve! I'm making some and I'm going to actually try to accomplish them so.......try with me! Haha I love you all! Have a good week!
Elder Webb
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