My French is terrible! It's not progressing, haha but it's ok. Elder Johnson has just been translating for me during lessons. It's so frustrating haha but it's ok!
Yes I got the packages! I've already had some of the hot cocoa, which is phenomenal, and I used the snowman mug, and I set up the Christmas tree. It's awesome! Oh and I ate all the toffee in like 30 minutes. I felt so sick after but it obviously was worth it. I got the packages like 2 days ago I think!
Well I'll start off by saying I can't believe it's almost Christmas! Time has flown by, and second it's been really warm lately! It's supposed to be like 50 degrees on Tuesday! No snow. But the wind pierces my soul I kid you not, it's painful, but we had a really good week!
We taught J-- about the word of wisdom this week and we were nervous he was going to have a lot of questions about it, but he accepted gladly and has been updating us this week with it telling us that it is going well! He has been busy, so we only saw him that one time but yeah he gives us a call once every few days and tells us. It's been really cool! He's supposed to be baptized Jan. 9th but we will probably have to move it to February because he's so busy, so we don't have enough time to teach him all the lessons. But he's still very enthusiastic about it all!
We taught Fe-- once, and nothing really happened. She's very shy. She's awesome! But yeah we taught about the plan of salvation and it went well, but she's just so hard to get a read on! But she has come to church a few times already, and has loved it, especially the other African members so it's still going good!
And A--, we were teaching him this week and it was funny. He told us "I love meeting with you guys, you're really nice and funny but I just don't think I'm going to gain anything from your church. We both love Jesus, and we both believe in him! So I don't think I will gain anything." I got up and handed him the Book of Mormon and his eyes went HUGE. He was so shocked that he busted out laughing, and trust me it wasn't a "this is ridiculous" laugh. It was a "oh my gosh I was wrong and this is awesome" laugh! And he has been really interested lately. We are meeting with him tomorrow, and hopefully he has read, but yeah it was funny. He got so excited. Elder Johnson bore a super strong testimony about the Book of Mormon, too, after I got up and handed him the Book of Mormon, and it just felt like the Spirit was giving everyone bear hugs. You couldn't deny the Spirit that was there. It's been a fun week, and a really quick one.
I'm excited to talk to you this weekend! It will be fun! If I cry I promise I'm still a big boy. I just get it from dad, so you can blame him if it gets weird. I love you! And Merry Christmas to everyone! If you emailed me and I didn't respond, I'm very sorry! I am making a list of who to respond to next week and if you've sent me one, I promise you will be on the list. Once again, I love you all! Have a good week!
Elder Webb

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