Hey fam!
Ok no problem for my homecoming, whatever works! And cool I'm excited
for that topic.
Well this week was way awesome but it also was super long. It started
with a leadership meeting Tuesday that went from 8:30-6:00, then
District Meeting the next morning, and then another leadership meeting
that afternoon with President. Then we were given the assignment to
put together a bunch of excel spreadsheets for our stake meeting which
happened the next day too. So up until Thursday we were completely in
meetings and I am not the biggest fan of meetings but oh well it
happened. It is hard to start your proselyting week on Friday because
you set these goals and then have so little time to try to accomplish
them but we went at it and saw some amazing miracles. We have really
pushed to get our investigators to Sacrament Meeting. Doing anything
and everything we can. So we had a church tour with our investigator
D-- and took him around and showed him everything and it was really
spiritual and we felt prompted to try to set a date with him and he
did! August 26! It was way cool. So we talked with him about the
importance of coming to church but he said he didn't have church
clothes so I gave him some of mine and I'll be honest he was looking
really good.
So we get to church and first D-- walks into church and we were
really excited, so we walked with him into the chapel and then we saw
our other investigator, J--, and we were like "hey cool" and so they
both came and sat with us. My comp and I then looked at each other and
were like "Hey, we called C-- last night, I hope she will be able to
make it." And we then look over at the door and C-- starts walking
in haha cool stuff, but then while we were sitting, maybe like 15
minutes into the meeting, a member comes up to me and says "Come with
me" and so I did I started following him and he took me to the back of
the congregation where he said one of our friends was sitting and it
was a guy we met a few days earlier--haha I was so pumped he came. Then
I realized we texted our investigator J-- to come, too, and thought
"Hmm pretty sure he said he would come" and I looked over and he's
there and he brought his little family too! Then I look over at the
sacrament table and G--, the guy that was baptized about 3
weeks after I got in this area, was passing the sacrament. It was such
a cool thing to look around and have the spirit testify to me of the
power of missionary work. Seeing a recent convert passing the
sacrament and our investigators at church. It was one of those moments
where I am kind of ashamed to admit (only because I don't like doing
it), but I got a little emotional just seeing these people fulfill
their potential. At least taking the first step to fulfill it. Cool
stuff! Definitely made my week.
I had interviews with President this week and it was really good
talking with him about stuff. It was really nice to know it wasn't my
exit interview haha-- I was able to have one last regular one! He is so
helpful and gives me good advice. Definitely lucky I have a mission
president like him. And his wife, too, she is awesome.
It was a good week! Excited for the one upcoming. Nashua is such a fun
place to serve--there really are a ton of good people here. There are
ton of crazy ones too which makes every day enjoyable. If I proselyted
in a place full of normal people I would feel pretty out of place.
Love you guys have a good week!
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