Wednesday, September 21, 2016

September 19, 2016

Hey, Fam!

This week was a good week. I got my new comp, his name is Elder Holt. So it's funny because we have been talking about being companions for like 6 transfers and it finally happened. Haha so it's been so fun. We have worked way hard to just hit the streets and find people, because our teaching pool is just lacking really hard right now, but we have found a lot of potentials and have a lesson with one tonight, so we are excited. Besides that there hasn't been a whole lot going on. We teach a lot of less actives, but we are working towards a lot more investigator lessons. 

Manchester is really not doing too well, the city is just so deep into drugs so a lot of the people we talk to are struggling, and don't really want to chat all that much but we have made some plans to find the elect and we are excited. My new companion doesn't have a bum ankle like my last so we can actually walk around a lot and talk to people #sograteful so it's been really good! But I wish I had more to update you on. 

We are promised a lot of blessings for always being obedient and serving with all our heart, might, mind and strength so we are hoping investigators will be the blessings we see haha it's been a fun week. I get along with my companion really well, and we work well together too. I know it will just take a little more patience and we will be blessed with people to teach and to help progress. 

Life is good! Love you all! Have a good week! 

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