300 people there (for this area that's a lot!) and a lot of the Marriotts
were theretoo, kinda cool. They are super nice, too. And the service was
incredible! They are a great family.
Wow this week flew by! And, no, Elizabeth is not progressing, sadly. We
didn't meet this week with her. We tried, but she said she has been
busy so we will just keep trying! But we were able to meet with Greg 3
times this week and we had some really good talks with him. He's going
through a lot with his family situation, being separated from his
wife, and being surrounded by people that don't treat him well. He
also takes care of his sister who isn't fully accountable. But he's a
soldier, and we are really doing our best! We are meeting with him
again tonight. He's such a good guy, I really hope he can stick with
it. It will take a lot for him to, but he's working towards baptism.
Some people you just can't push!
We were going to a dinner appointmentyesterday and when we got
there one of the sons girlfriends came up to
my companion and I and said "hey I want to take the discussions. Is
that ok?" And we were like uhhhhh yes! So we taught her the
restoration after dinner! It was so random but so cool! We found a new
investigator finally haha we asked why the sudden interest and she
said it just feels right. It's cool how that's usually how it
goes.....it always starts out as a feeling. She's really excited to
move forward, and obviously we are too! Haha that was a great
I'm sorry for the short email but that is really all I have for this
week. Lots of service, and meeting with members. But nothing ultra
special to share. Just trying to help everyone be missionaries! So be
missionaries everyone, that's my challenge to you all. It's easy! I
love you all. I hope you have a great week. I'll write more next week
I promise. Love you!!
Sent from my iPad

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