Well. This was one of the craziest weeks yet haha we found bed bugs in
our apartment. Yeah bed bugs. That saying as a kid "sleep tight don't
let the bed bugs bite" is SOOO real. We thought we only had a couple
but then we found out it was like an infestation and now we are living
with the other Portland elders and we have done like 30 dollars worth
of laundry and have been moving all our stuff over. I'm not sure if it
will be a permanent move yet but yeah it's been crazy haha and not fun
at all. So, Mom, if you could put some more money on my debit card I'd
really appreciate it <3<3 because I'm not sure what I will need. It
might be just in case, so I'll let you know what happens but yeah if
you could that would be awesome. Also, for anyone trying to send me
something send it to the new apartment for now. It's 106 Cumberland
avenue Portland Maine!
We didn't do a lot of teaching this week. But the few lessons we had
went really well. Since 2016 started we have a new mission vision for
this year and it's involving members more in our work. It's the center
of our focus actually. So we set up appointments with members to teach
them the lessons so they can get confidence in us as missionaries and
themselves, as well, so that they can invite their friends over to be
taught. We commit the members to set a specific date for when they can
invite a friend over by, and they work towards that date to find
someone. We are teaching a less active right now and she is so
awesome. Her name is Sister Y-- and she is the first one that we have
started this new vision with. And it's a win-win. Because she's less
active, so hopefully us teaching her the lessons, and reminding her
why she gained a testimony in the first place will help her come back
to activity. But also she is willing to participate in our new goal as
missionaries and we are meeting with her tomorrow to teach the second
lesson which is the plan of salvation. We are really excited!
We did a lot of lighting visits this week to members (like a 10 minute stop by
and say hi and share a short message) and we tried to get with our
investigators, too, but man it just seemed like they all fell off the
face of the earth. We have really struggled to get a hold of them but
one of our weekly goals this week was to have 3 investigators come to
church and somehow 3 of them came haha it was a miracle! F--,
P-- (he's been an investigator forever, but he's been sick and
really busy lately), and J-- who we haven't been able to see for
like 3 weeks now! It was so awesome. We've been praying really hard
for our investigators, because in all honesty none of them are really
progressing. But it was so awesome to see them come to church and
all 3 said they loved it so we still are keeping our heads up. It was
a crazy week. I hateeee bed bugs. So glad Utah doesn't have bed bugs.
My itty bitty message is very short but it was a very cool experience
for me this week. I was driving with Elder Hales and I just had a
random moment where I was like "Wow-- I'm in Maine" and I thought a
lot about what I've experienced so far and what I've gained and the
first thing I thought about was that I've never felt so close to the
Savior in my life. Being able to read the scriptures every day and
representing Him everyday and teaching about Him everyday--it's pretty
easy to feel so close to Him. But I really evaluated my relationship
with Him and I'm glad I did because it really made me appreciate and
recognize the Savior more in my life. So evaluate your relationship
with the Savior. If it's not very good, improve it! And if you think
it's great, improve it! You can always be closer. So do it! I love you
all! Have a good week!
Elder Webb

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